Thematic areas of competence
Child Rights and Protection
At the heart of DLC’s work is a deep rooted understanding that children and young people are our future and form more than half of our population. We are aware and are part of the global efforts towards achieving a systems approach to child protection that should deliver holistic and integrated outcomes for children…
Gender Development
We understand that people’s participation and benefit from development processes are influenced by gender considerations. To redress gender inequity and inequality in development, we offer expertise in designing and delivering training programmes in gender mainstreaming, gender audit, gender budgeting, gender and women’s rights advocacy, gender and governance, expenditure/service monitoring, and sexual and gender based violence prevention…
HIV and AIDS have affected all facets of societal life, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Stagnation in infection rates, high numbers of OVC, failure to universalize access to antiretroviral therapy and persistent discrimination of PLWHA are some of the challenges posed by HIV/AIDS across the African continent…
Social Protection
Social Protection interventions are essential in addressing the rights of rights of vulnerable persons. Well designed and executed social protection mechanisms can be effective in responding to livelihood shocks, economic and social risks that drive and perpetuate poverty and vulnerability…
Disability and development
International and national legal codes emphasise the rights of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) to basic social services, employment and equal participation in development processes. However, structural and cultural barriers limit the equal participation and benefit of PWDs from development processes…
Good Governance and Social Responsibility
In the developing world, there is a noticeable shift towards strengthening the demand side of governance and service delivery. This is premised on the notion that public sector institutions and officials may lack incentives to improve the quality of public services and public administration and that pressure from the demand side creates the necessary impetus for the equitable provision of quality public services…
Peace and Conflict
As research and policy entrepreneurs, we carry out conflict analysis aimed at informing policy and programmatic responses particularly for conflict affected communities. We provide support in the design, monitoring and evaluation of Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration programmes…